Cuddle® Prints - Mr. Sandman Navy 60" Minky Yardage

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Cuddle® Prints - Mr. Sandman Navy 60" Minky Yardage
MFG SKU: mrsandmannavy
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Cuddle® Prints - Mr. Sandman Navy 60" Minky Yardage
Cuddle® Prints - Mr. Sandman Navy 60" Minky Yardage
Grey cartoon elephants, moons, and yellow stars scattered across a navy blue background. No matter your style, favorite colors, or themes, this collection is the end-all be-all of Cuddle® minky fabric! From children’s cartoon characters, to geometric patterns, to bright florals, we’ve got them all! Suitable for apparel, quilting, baby products, and more.

100% Polyester
58"/60" Wide