Sashed Tumbler Quilt Tutorial
Jenny Doan
Sashed Tumbler Quilt Tutorial
- 3 packs x 5" Precut Fabric Quilt Squares (Charm Packs)
- 2-1/4 yards x Background Fabric
- 1-1/4 yards x Outer Border Fabric
- 4-3/4 yards x Backing Fabric

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video transcript
Hi everybody it’s Jenny from the MSQC. And I’ve just got such a great project for you today. I love what happens when you take an ordinary little tumbler block and you put some sashing on it. And all of a sudden it’s got some pop and pizzazz. So let’s look at this quilt. Isn’t this fun? I love how it’s lined up. I love what happens when we put the sashing around it and in between it. It just really makes a fun project. And this goes together so fast. So what you’re going to need to make this quilt is you’re going to need three packs of five inch squares. So that’s 120 squares. And you’re going to need about 2 ¼ yards of black fabric, your background fabric, whatever color you want your sashing to be. Most of that is going to get cut into 1 ½ inch strips. So if you wanted to use a roll up of 1 ½ inch sashing strips you could do that as well. You will need a little bit of it bigger because we put some half, half of our tumbler blocks out here along the side to make the quilt have the appearance of kind of floating on the quilt. So it makes it look really cool. So then you’re also going to need a yard and a quarter for your border. This is a five inch border that just sets everything together really nice.
So let me show you how to make this. First you’re going to need your tumbler template. And we’re going to take that template and we are going to lay it right on the square. Now our templates are made for the pre cuts and so you have very little waste. It goes top to bottom, side to side. And then all you’re doing is trimming off this little bit out here. So we’re going to trim these off. We’re going to do this to the whole pack. So you’re going to have a whole stack of tumblers just like this.
Then what you’re going to do is you’re going to divide your stack in half. Because how we put these together, how we sash these is going to make this quilt go together very fast. So I”m going to roughly take half of this stack. You’ll want to count yours to make sure you have half. I’m going to take a 1 ½ inch black strip right here. And we’re going to sew half of our tumblers. We’re going to put the sashing all on the left side. The other half we’re going to put the sashing all on the right side, like this. Ok so just make sure that when you put your sashings together you have half on your left side and half on your right side. So I”m going to come over to the sewing machine and we are going to, I’m just going to show you how I chain piece these on.
And we’re just going to go ahead and add them along here. And you leave, make sure that you leave a little space in between because as we press these out you want to trim them and you’re going to want to have, you’re going to want to have enough space because there’s a little bit of an angle there, you’re going to want to have enough space to cut. So we’re going to lay these on here and just sew a quarter of an inch. Alright so now what we’re going to do is we want to iron these open before we cut them because we want to make sure that our angle is right. So I’m going to set that seam, roll that back and make sure there’s no folds or pleats. And just roll that back. Set it and roll it, just like this.
Alright so now you need to trim them and any little straight edge will do. I’m going to use my little ruler here. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to lay my ruler and I’m going to match it up to the top of the top of the tumbler template. And I’m going to, as I come across this strip right here it’s going to make, it should line up exactly. So right here, see this whole template lines up and we just keep that line going and trim that off there. And it should just match up perfectly. So we’ll do the same thing down here, line it up, don’t make it, you don’t want to push it so it’s going the wrong direction. But line your ruler up with the top of your template and then just trim them all. And it’s better to have a little bit of space in there. I guess I didn’t need quite as much as I thought. But that’s alright. Better to be safe than sorry. Alright so what you’re going to do is you’re going to have a whole stack of these where all of your sashing is on the lefthand side. And then you’re going to have a whole stack where all of your sashing is on the righthand side. And you can see I’ve got some of those ready to go right here.
So what we’re going to do now is we’re going to sew these together in rows. And because when we go to sew a tumbler together, you can’t just sew it like this, you have to flip these over. And then you can see when we flip them they line up perfectly. So when you go to sew these together you’re going to lay these on here. You’re going to match it as close as you can edge to edge and just sew a quarter of an inch and we will go do that. There we go. And you’re going to do that to your whole row. So you’re going to make a whole row of these. And there are ten in every row, 12 rows. You’ll see they start beginning like rows and you’ll be able to add to them. So when you get ready to put your next piece, you’ll see that this doesn’t work. And it automatically will fit and go this way. And you’ll be able to just put them together and put them in long rows. Now there are ten in each row. And when you get your row together, you can see on this one that we’ve straightened that out.
And how we did that was we took the end of our row, let’s say this is the end of our row. We took a, excuse me, we took a five inch square that we cut into our tumbler right like this. Here’s our tumbler square. We cut it right in half. When we add that to the end of our row like this, it’s going to make that edge straight like this. All of a sudden that edge becomes straight and then you can just add your border on it. So right up here you’ll see all of these come in and you see how these edges are straight and we can add the border to it. We went ahead and put a straight little 1 ½ inch border across the top and in between every row. So here’s a row right here and we’ve got our next row right here ready to add. And you’re just going to kind of stack these on top of each other like this. And you’ll put your little inch and a half piece in between right here. And it just finishes it off and makes it look so cool. You’ll put one across the top, one across the bottom. Your sides will already have your little border piece with your hexi on it. You don’t need to add a 1 ½ strip there just on your border and you are good to go. And this project goes together so fast. Because we’re sewing half of them on this way and half of them on them that way and when we put them together because your little sashing is already done it goes together so quickly. So we hope your enjoyed this tutorial on the Sashed Tumbler from the MSQC.
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