Take a stroll Into the Woods on this sew along with Misty, your wonderful Missouri Star LIVE host! She'll help you every step of the way. Her fabulous Into the Woods quilt design features cute log cabin blocks, rows of pieced pine trees, and big bear paws. Stitch along as you create this quilt one row at a time. By the end, you'll have a lovely Into the Woods quilt to gift or to keep just for yourself.
Let's Get Started!
For many quilters, cutting that gorgeous fabric is the hardest part of the project! Grab a fresh, sharp blade for your rotary cutter and join Misty for all the tips to cut out your Wild at Heart Into the Woods quilt kit!
Week 1: The Bear Blocks
Paws for a moment with us to appreciate the beauty of this classic quilt block! Bear paw blocks are so much fun to make. Stitch along with MIsty as she teaches you how to piece this pretty design that’s featured right in the center of the quilt!
Week 2: Simple Wedge Trees
It’s time to head into the woods and this next set of blocks are tree-mendously easy! Misty will walk you through how to construct the rows of Simple Wedge Trees using the Missouri Star Large Simple Wedge template or a paper PDF template.
Week 3: Log Cabin Blocks
Now that you’ve taken a walk through the trees with Misty, it’s time to head back home with rows of beautiful log cabin blocks to finish up the piecing for this project. You’ll love how these blocks are built strip by strip to create a unique design.
Week 4: Putting It All Together
This sew-along has really flown by! Now it’s time to put your bear paw, tree, and log cabin blocks together, add borders, and finish up your quilt top. We can’t wait to see how your quilt turns out. Thanks for coming along on this sewing adventure!

Into the Woods Quilt Pattern by Missouri Star

Digital Download - Into the Woods Quilt Pattern by Missouri Star

Missouri Star Large Simple Wedge Template for 10" Squares
Designed to use on 10" squares to make beautiful wedges for all kinds of patterns and designs, leaving almost no waste! Makes two wedges per 10" square. This template is needed for the Into the Woods pattern.
Head out on an adventure and enjoy the very best of the great outdoors with the Wild at Heart fabric collection. These outdoorsy animals and patterns in rustic red, black, and white will get you in touch with your wild side.
If you've got your eye on the Into the Woods quilt project, don't forget to get thread to match! Shop the Missouri Star Cotton Thread 50wt collection to find red, ivory, charcoal, and black sewing thread to complete this project.