Nine-Patch Madness Quilt Tutorial
Jenny Doan
Nine-Patch Madness Quilt Tutorial
Jenny demonstrates how to make a beautiful "Nine-Patch Madness" Quilt using 5 inch square of precut fabric. She chose "New Hope" Charm Packs by Jo Morton for Moda Fabrics. This pattern is actually a disappearing 9-patch block, and it is so much easier than it looks!
OOPS! We made some mistakes! We said 4 packages of 5” background squares were needed for the quilt, but that’s not quite enough.
Here's how to correct it:
• Increase the background yardage for the inner border from 3/4 yard to 1 yard.
• Cut (2) 5” strips across the width of the fabric. Subcut the strips into 5” squares.
• Each strip will yield 8 squares and a total of 12 are needed.
• Add the 12 squares to the 4 packages (background fabric) you already have.
• Set aside the rest of the yardage for the inner border.
*Also on page 4 of the pattern under the heading 2 SEW, we say make 30 units with the print half-square triangles touching the center. That should say make 16 units.
- 4 packs x 5" Precut Fabric Squares (Charm Packs) - Print
- 4 packs x 5" Precut Fabric Squares (Charm Packs) - Background
- ¾ yard x Quilt Fabric for Inner Border
- 1¾ yards x Quilt Fabric for Outer Border
- 1 yard x Quilt Fabric for Binding
- 7½ yards x Quilt Backing Fabric (or 3 yards of 108" wide backing)

Finish your masterpiece and let us give it the finishing touch it deserves.
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video transcript
Hi everybody, it’s Jenny from the MSQC. And I am so excited to show you this quilt because this is a really fun one. Let’s take a look at it. Isn’t this great? I love the squares with the half square triangles and wait until you see how we did it. So to make this quilt what you’re going to need are four packs of five inch squares. And we have used this beautiful line by Joe Morton. It’s called New Hope and it’s for Moda. You’re also going to need four packs of solid squares. So your solid color is right here. And you’re going to need your inner border is ¾ of a yard with this little 2 ½ inch border. And the outer border is 1 ¾ yards to make that. For the backing you’re going to need three yards. And we used the 108 wide of this fabric and just gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Alright so let me show you how to do this.
This is a disappearing nine patch block. I know you don’t believe me but it really, really is. So let me show you how to do it. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take nine squares and put them together. And we’re going to alternate them, every other one with white. So we’re going to put, make three rows of three and the first row is going to be color, solid, color. Your second row is going to be solid, color, solid like this. Just like that. And your last row is going to be color, color with a solid in the middle just like the top row. You’re going to sew these three rows together like this and then this one and this one. Your center row you want to make sure your seams go out. These outer rows you want to make sure they go in. And then these little seams will nest nicely. Now I have one of these already done. And I know you’re still not seeing it. You’re still not knowing what I’m doing here. But here’s my block that’s already done.
Now we’re calling this Nine Patch Madness because what happens if. And I was looking at this block the other day and I wondered what happens if I snowball two of these corners. So let me show you what I did. I took my block right here and you can draw the line or iron the line to go diagonally like this. And you’re going to do this to two squares. Let me do one more right here. Let me get up here where you can actually see what I’m doing. There we go. Oop, right on the corner. There we go, corner to corner. We’re ignoring this line. Actually you know what because this is a frixon pen we can just take that right off of there. I love how it does that. It just like disappears. You make a mistake, no problem, it just disappears. Alright let’s redraw this line like this. Alright so now we’re corner to corner on our lines. And we’re going to put one on these two opposite corners right here. So this one over here is going to get one. And we’re going to line is up on the outside edge so right along this corner right here, I’m lining this up. And because I’m going to take this over to the sewing machine I’m going to put a little pin in there. Now don’t be shocked I’m putting a pin in. I don’t pin very often that’s why. I’m going to put one over here too so line it up on the corner. Let’s see I’m going to go on this side. Now what I’m going to do when I get to the sewing machine is I’m going to sew on this line. And then I”m going to come over and I’m going to sew a half an inch away from that line and then cut right in between them because I have another project for these right here. So let’s go to the sewing machine and do this. Let me grab my chair. Alrighty.
Now I’m going to right down here on the line. Just like this. Stay right on that line. Now turn it around and I’m just going to go over a half an inch. Now you can draw that line as well if you want to to make sure they’re exact. Now we’re going to go to this side and we’re going to sew right on the line and then we’re going to come back around here half an inch. Oop I just broke my thread, just a second. Alrighty, here we go. Let’s start that seam over. Alright half an inch. Alright, now we’re going to bring this over here. I’m going to take out my pins because one of the worst things you can do for a rotary cutter is cut right over a pin. Alright so right here I’m going to lay my ruler on here and I’m going to come right in between those two lines right there. And I’m just going to trim this off right here like that. And do the same on the opposite corner. Alrighty. Now we’re going to press this open just like this. And this is your new block. And this block makes that back there. But first we have to do what we do to all the nine patches which is cut this directly in half both directions.
So here’s our ruler. Here’s our seam line right here. I’m going to go in 2 ¼ from that seam line and cut it right in half. Just like we do our normal nine patch. Let’s see, let me make sure this is right here. Alright 2 ¼ from that center seam. And we’re going to cut both directions. Alrighty here we go. And just like that, these are our blocks. So when we sew the block together, it’s going to look like this. We’re going to turn two of our blocks, these two big blocks here we’re going to turn to the inside like this. And that’s going to make our new block just like that. So your half square triangles stay with the light to the outside and the other ones come together. So let’s sew these four together just like a big four patch. Quarter of an inch down the side, make sure we’re lined up here. And then this one. And you’ll notice I’m not even cutting the thread. When you don’t cut the thread between the squares that’s called chain piecing. Now we’re going to put these right back together and hopefully I laid them in there right and they’re going to. Yep there they are. You want to match your center seam. That’s the seam you’re looking for, the matching point you’re looking for I mean. Alright. I’m going to sew a few steps and then I’m going to find my seam, hold my finger on it. Then I can sew right down to it. And then on this. Alrighty. Let’s press this open. You know sometimes you just want to know what happens if. A nice flat block. Now right here you’ll notice, right here I have a little bit sticking out over here. I’m going to want to square that up so my seams go together nice and flat. And so I’m just going to lay this on this edge right here and make sure that my. When you square you want to square up two sides. And I’ve got that across the bottom so I’m going to come across here and just cut that little ridge off right there. And then I’ve got to make sure this side is square as well. And it looks pretty good. I don’t want to come in far at all with that one. So I’ve just got a little wing here. There we go. Alright the other one looks great.
Now let me show you how we put these together. First let’s look at how this fits into the quilt. Andhere it is right here. Let me make sure I’m in the right place. So here it is right here. So see how these four come together when you put the four blocks together. They come together right here. And this is how it fits in so let me show you how we’re going to put these together. So what we’re going to do when we lay out our quilt is we’re just going to start up here and let me see how I started over here. I started with my half square triangle with the solid part to the top and we’re going to do that all across. I think, let me look. Yes so we’re matching our little blocks right here so then this block is going to get turned. So we keep our triangles together and our little squares together and our triangles together and our little squares together. Let me put a different one in here so you can see what happens here. Alright we’re going to get two blocks. So again keep your triangles together and your little squares together. And you see what’s happening here. See these two patterns. So the two patterns, the two secondary patterns that form is this big square that forms here and then you’ve got a four patch that’s forming over here. And so it just makes this awesome quilt. And just by doing those two corners we get something new and exciting and fun. We’re calling this 9 Patch Madness.
Now if you’ll remember I trimmed off all these little half square triangles over here on the side. So I have these little pieces right here. And let me show you what I did with them. I’m actually going to iron these open. Now you’ll notice when I sew these down I didn’t mark my half inch line. So mine could or could not be all the same. If they’re not the same you want to square them all to the smallest size that you have. And you’ll just want to square those up to the smallest size. And then we’re going to put these together. And let me show you what I’ve got here. So I made this, whoops. I made this whole big long runner out of my leftover squares. I did, I used every single square and I made chevrons out of them. Now remember anything you can do with a half square triangle you can do. So you could do pinwheels. You can do herringbones. I mean all kinds of things you can do with half square triangles. You know I’ve done a million different ways. But I wanted to see what this would look like as a chevron. And I just think this came out so beautiful. So one row we sew the color together, the next row we sew the white together. Then we sew the color and the white. And I put four in each row, you know and so these are going to fit in here like this. You can see like this and then this row is going to be like that. You know so one row we’ve got the colors together, one row we’ve got or the colors and then the whites. So that’s how that goes together like that. And it just makes a great secondary bonus project. Isn’t that fun? So now you have a quilt and a runner. And we hope you enjoyed this tutorial on the 9 Patch Madness from the MSQC.
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