Little Stitches Wall Hanging Quilt Tutorial
Jenny Doan
Jenny Doan
Little Stitches Wall Hanging Quilt Tutorial
Jenny Doan
Quilt Size: 36" x 49½"
Jenny Doan demonstrates how to make a quick and easy mini quilt wall hanging for your sewing room. She is using Heat N Bond Lite and 5 inch squares of precut fabric (charm packs). This particular charm pack is called The Little Things Charm Pack Robin Kingsley for Maywood Studios.
Supplies list
- 1 pack x 5" Precut Fabric Squares (Charm Packs) - Print
- ½ yard x Background Fabric
- ¼ yard x Red Quilt Fabric (or Complimentary Color of Your Choice)
- ¾ yard x Border Fabric
- ½ yard x Quilt Fabric for Binding
- 1¾ yard x Quilt Backing Fabric
- ½ yard x Lightweight Fusible Web

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