Anthology Fabrics Lava Batik Solids
These gorgeous batik quilt fabrics may be subtle in detail, but certainly not color! Lava Batik Solids from Anthology Fabrics Lava Batiks feature extravagant solid colors that will complete and complement the other Batik prints in your quilt, table runner and anything else you create!
Lava Batik Solids
Batiks are different from other fabrics because of the process used to dye it. Most commonly, cotton is used for batik. A pattern is created by applying wax to the fabric to block dye from investing itself in the fibers of the cloth. Once dyed, the fabric is boiled to remove the wax. The process is repeated for each additional color of dye.
Although its origins are a mystery, evidence has been found that batik existed 2000 years ago in the Middle East, Egypt, Peru, Japan, Turkistan, Europe, India, and China. However, batik reached its highest art form in Indonesia and Malaysia. In 2009, UNESCO awarded Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity and asked the country to preserve this heritage.
Anthology Fabrics is a second generation company that stakes its reputation on superb design, exceptional quality, and value. The company includes handcrafted batik fabrics from Bali in its offerings. You can see photos of batik artisans at work here on the Anthology Fabrics website.
Missouri Star offers many selections of batiks fabrics by Anthology Fabrics. We particularly like the Anthology Fabrics Lava Batik Solids. We sell this fabric by the yard.
Lava Batik quilt fabric has a unique swirling pattern. Imagine that a young child has covered a page with thick fingerpaint in big swooshes and swirls. Or imagine lava flowing down a mountain. It is gloppy and doesn’t just rush straight down. It gets hung-up on obstacles, so it runs sideways sometimes on its way down. Like all batik, Lava Batik patterns are handprinted, they are not perfect. One cut of Anthology Fabrics Lava Batiks quilt fabric by the yard will not look exactly like another.
Anthology Fabrics Lava Batiks are a lovely choice for blender, border, or background fabrics in quilts. Although the fabrics are called Lava Batik Solids, most of the selections are tonals–shades of the same hue. However, some choices of Lava Batik fabric for quilting are blends of colors–for example, blue and green or pink and purple.
Quilters love batiks, and so do sewists! Because the fabric is dyed rather than printed, batik has no wrong or right side. This characteristic makes it particularly useful for many types of apparel, home, and personal items. Lava batiks would work well for shirts, skirts, scarves, and children’s clothing. Lava Batiks fabric by the yard could be used to create lovely household linens such as pillowcases, throw pillows, tablecloths and napkins. Lava batik would make unique zipper pouches and tote bags.
Sewists and quilters are artists who create with fabric. We think batiks are some of the very best materials you can choose for your creations. Therefore, we are proud to offer Lava Batik quilt fabric online at Missouri Star and are excited to see what imaginative ways you find to use this versatile fabric.